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contoh kalimat on the peace

"on the peace" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Even the attack on the peace summit must have been thoroughly designed.
    Bahkan "Serangan Pertemuan" sudah mereka "Rencanakan".
  • Ang, I gotta finish my article on the peace talks.
    Ang, aku harus selesaikan artikelku dengan pembicaraan damai.
  • Just come on the peace train!
    Just come on the peace train!
  • Ride on the peace train!
    Ride on the peace train!
  • Come on the peace train!
    Come on the peace train!
  • The bogus intel on the peace talks, and my men
    Intel palsu pada perundingan damai, dan laki-laki ... Anda menetapkan kami up!
  • But they brought Moriarty in to advise on the peace process in the first place.
    Tapi merekalah orang yang membawa Moriarty Untuk memberi nasihat perdamaian.
  • You should first go to the icon, about which there are candles on the peace, as a rule, it is the image of the crucified Jesus, the sign of the cross.
    pertama Anda harus pergi ke ikon, tentang yang ada lilin di perdamaian, sebagai suatu peraturan, itu adalah gambar dari menyalibkan Yesus, tanda salib.
  • His talks have been recorded in English and broadcast on weekends on several cable networks in Mumbai's Muslim neighbourhoods, and on the Peace TV channel, which he co-produces.
    Perkataannya biasa direkam dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk disiarkan pada akhir pekan di sejumlah jaringan TV kabel di lingkungan Muslim Mumbai, dan di saluran Peace TV, which he co-promotes.